Hello! I'm Tomás Gutiérrez L. (0x00) ------------------------------------ I studied Computer Science in _Universidad de Santiago de Chile_ (USACH) and I enjoy learning new tools and technologies. My foucs right now are things related to back-end and DevOps. I like to be minimalistic design and code wise, as you might see by the README that is not written in markdown and also web projects I try to make the design minimalistic. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- My skills: * Programming Languages * Python * Flask * SQLAlchemy * Bash * Go * Technologies * Jenkins * Docker * Prometheus * Ansible * Logstash * Git * Linux Check out my blog at https://0x00.cl
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I studied Computer Science in Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH). I enjoy learning new tools and technologies, always trying to keep upto date.
3:26 AM
Member since June 02, 2018