Valéry Febvre authored
Better management of the different profiles: default, development, beta. The 'development' profile has now a distinct ID: `info.febvre.Komikku.Devel`. In the case of the 'beta' profile used for the Flathub beta branch, the data directory being shared, the database is named `komikku_beta.db`. The icon `info.febvre.Komikku.Devel.svg` is now used with the 'beta' and 'development' profiles.
Valéry Febvre authoredBetter management of the different profiles: default, development, beta. The 'development' profile has now a distinct ID: `info.febvre.Komikku.Devel`. In the case of the 'beta' profile used for the Flathub beta branch, the data directory being shared, the database is named `komikku_beta.db`. The icon `info.febvre.Komikku.Devel.svg` is now used with the 'beta' and 'development' profiles.