0.4.0fdd29428 · ·
This release comes with easier methods to query cache and breaking changes for REST module
0.3.37fa601b7 · ·
This release comes with a flow of webhooks for GuildMessageChannelBehvior and GuildBehavior, and a fix for gateway deadlock and DiscordAddedGuildMember
0.3.2c3c85182 · ·
This release comes with an upgrade to ktor, which fixes the `suspend main` bug of 0.3.0
0.3.0f28956f8 · ·
> This version contains an upgrade of ktor that brings breaking changes, be sure to check out ktor's changelog if you were interacting with ktor or the rest module directly. > > This change also comes with the removal of kotlinx.io, which was a transitive dependency. If your code relied on kotlinx.io consider manually including the dependency or migrating away from it entirely. > > There is currently an issues with ktor 1.3.0-rc2 that prevents Kord from running in a suspend main https://github.com/ktorio/ktor/issues/1542. If you do use this to instantiate Kord, consider replacing it with a runBlocking code block for the time being.