Hi, I'm Jonathan, nice to meet you!
Take a seat :)
I'm Jonathan Ródenas López, a DevOps student and FrontEnd Developer. I spend most of time learning about cloud technology.
I have a website, check it out!
🔭 I’m currently working on bemyvega -
🌱 I’m currently learning Services Deployment -
🤔 I’m looking to learn new ways to improve myself. -
📫 How to reach me: jonathanrodenaslopez1@gmail.com -
😄 Pronouns: Jonathan, Jony -
⚡ Fun fact: I love to collect and build mechanical keyboards. I also love playing videogames and doing graphical compositions using Photoshop.
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Pronouns: Jonathan
Just learning how things work around me :)
Alcantarilla, Murcia
4:53 AM
Member since November 26, 2021