ASUS Gladius 3 (Wireless)
I would be happy if the ASUS Gladius 3 Wireless Mouse could be supported. ASUS-Homepage
The Gladius 2 is apparently already supported.
Name of device:
ASUS Gladius 3 (Wireless)
Link to manufacturer's product page:
Please select what type of device/interface the device uses:
USB with cable, USB with Dongel and Bluetooth is possible.
ID information:
ROG GLADIUS III WIRELESS mouhid HID\VID_0B05&PID_197F&MI_01\B&102F797A&0&0000
ROG GLADIUS III WIRELESS kbdhid HID\VID_0B05&PID_197F&MI_02&COL04\B&3406B73C&0&0003
Please attach screenshots of the device's official control application here:
Please attach device captures here:
Maybe it can be controlled similarly to the ROG Gladius II, which is already supported.
Checklist for Step2
Name of device -
A link to the vendors product page has been included -
The transport bus has been identified and the appropriate label added to the issue. -
The device ID's have been included for USB or PCI -
Screenshots of the OEM Application are included -
There is either, appropriate code examples linked or suitable device captures attached
Edited by Qwex