Release 1.4 ----------- * When parsing MADX lattices, if an unknown element type is encountered, the element will now be replaced by a Drift space (+ warning) rather than being skipped * Segments now have a method for inserting lattice elements * Added an auxiliary function for comparing ORM and Twiss computations with MADX * Rework the command line interface (now all functionality is available via subcommands) * Allow to specify a label for 'create_script' function * Add option for refer='center' when saving as MADX script * Add function for computing Twiss values at the end of a beamline * Add function for temporarily replacing element types with Drifts * Allow makethin also for Drifts * Add 'k1l' property to Quadrupole element * Add option to make Segment[...] case insensitive * Add new exception 'ElementNotFoundError' when querying a Segment with a string without wildcard ('*') * When creating an HTML sequence, drift with aperture are now saved as 'Collimator' * Add implementation of thick RF cavity (no MADX equivalent) * Add option to load lattices via Python scripts / Add option for makethin in the CLI