TypeError: stopLabAllNodes() missing 1 required positional argument: 'nodes_id'
I've managed to deploy successfuly a lab without any config (jsut devices and links). When I try to add the config part, I get the error bellow. Is this user error, or it's an actual bug?
- EVE Version: Community 2.0.3-112
[PyEVENG - login] ...
[PyEVENG - login] connection on
Your YAML file is OK :) !
[eveng-api - deploy_all] - deploy projects
[PyEVENG - get_labs_in_folder] - lab folder = /Users/
[PyEVENG - get_labs_in_folder] -
[PyEVENG - get_labs_in_folder] Call data :
[PyEVENG - - create_lab] spine-leaf is creating...
[PyEVENG - - create_lab] spine-leaf has been created...
[eveng-api - deploy_all] - deploy devices
[PyEVENG addNodeToLab] - Spine01 is deploying...
[PyEVENG - getLabNodesName] folder=/Users/ / lab_name=spine-leaf.unl
[PyEVENG addNodeToLab] status code = 201
[PyEVENG addNodeToLab] - Spine01 has been deployed!
[PyEVENG addNodeToLab] - Spine02 is deploying...
<---- output ommited --->>>
[PyEVENG startLabNode] - spine-leaf.unl Leaf04 is started !
[PyEVENG startLabNode] - spine-leaf.unl Leaf05 is starting...
[PyEVENG startLabNode] - spine-leaf.unl Leaf05 is started !
stopLabAllNodes() missing 1 required positional argument: 'nodes_id'
[eveng-api - deploy_all] - error during la creation !
[PyEVENG - delete_lab] spine-leaf.unl is deleting...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./eveng-api.py", line 398, in deploy_all
TypeError: stopLabAllNodes() missing 1 required positional argument: 'nodes_id'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./eveng-api.py", line 458, in <module>
File "/home/daniel/projects/LAB/Eve-Automation/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/core.py", line 764, in __call__
return self.main(*args, **kwargs)
File "/home/daniel/projects/LAB/Eve-Automation/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/core.py", line 717, in main
rv = self.invoke(ctx)
File "/home/daniel/projects/LAB/Eve-Automation/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/core.py", line 956, in invoke
return ctx.invoke(self.callback, **ctx.params)
File "/home/daniel/projects/LAB/Eve-Automation/env/lib/python3.8/site-packages/click/core.py", line 555, in invoke
return callback(*args, **kwargs)
File "./eveng-api.py", line 291, in main
deploy_all(api, ymlF, vmInfo, force, debug)
File "./eveng-api.py", line 421, in deploy_all
File "/home/daniel/projects/LAB/Eve-Automation/api/PyEVENG.py", line 1855, in delete_lab
TypeError: stopLabAllNodes() missing 1 required positional argument: 'nodes_id'
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - - check_if_configs_nodes_exists] Yes Leaf04 is in the list !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - - validateYamlFileForPyEVENG]() check_if_configs_nodes_exists is SUCCESS !!!!
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - ================================================================================================
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - - validateYamlFileForPyEVENG]() check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading - start check!
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] Start function !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] link_id 16 is OOB !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] There are NOT port-forwarding !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] There are NOT port-forwarding !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] There are NOT port-forwarding !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] There are NOT port-forwarding !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] There are NOT port-forwarding !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] There are NOT port-forwarding !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] There are NOT port-forwarding !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] There are NOT port-forwarding !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading] Return value is True !
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [EveYAMLValidate.py - - validateYamlFileForPyEVENG]() check_ip_pub_if_not_port_fowrading is SUCCESS !!!!
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [PyEVENG - - delete_lab] Enter in function.
[2021-02-02 17:26:51] - DEBUG - [PyEVENG - - delete_lab] Enter in function.
Architecture file:
path: /Users/
name: spine-leaf
version: 1
author: DylanHamel
description: Spine and Leaf architecture for test before prod
body: Actual label
- type: qemu
template: cumulus
config: Unconfigured
delay: 0
icon: router.png
image: cumulus-vx-3.7.5
name: Spine01
left: 45%
top: 20%
ram: 1024
console: telnet
cpu: 1
ethernet: 8
uuid: 641a4800-1b19-427c-ae87-5555590b7790
- type: qemu
template: cumulus
config: Unconfigured
delay: 0
icon: router.png
image: cumulus-vx-3.7.5
name: Spine02
left: 55%
top: 20%
ram: 1024
console: telnet
cpu: 1
ethernet: 8
uuid: 641a4800-1b19-427c-ae87-6666690b7790
- type: qemu
template: cumulus
config: Unconfigured
delay: 0
icon: router.png
image: cumulus-vx-3.7.5
name: Spine03
left: 65%
top: 20%
ram: 1024
console: telnet
cpu: 1
ethernet: 8
uuid: 641a4800-1b19-427c-ae87-6666690b7799
- type: qemu
template: cumulus
config: Unconfigured
delay: 0
icon: router.png
image: cumulus-vx-3.7.5
name: Leaf01
left: 35%
top: 35%
ram: 1024
console: telnet
cpu: 1
ethernet: 8
uuid: 641a4800-1b19-427c-ae87-1111190b7790
- type: qemu
template: cumulus
config: Unconfigured
delay: 0
icon: router.png
image: cumulus-vx-3.7.5
name: Leaf02
left: 45%
top: 35%
ram: 1024
console: telnet
cpu: 1
ethernet: 8
uuid: 641a4800-1b19-427c-ae87-2222290b7790
- type: qemu
template: cumulus
config: Unconfigured
delay: 0
icon: router.png
image: cumulus-vx-3.7.5
name: Leaf03
left: 55%
top: 35%
ram: 1024
console: telnet
cpu: 1
ethernet: 8
uuid: 641a4800-1b19-427c-ae87-3333390b7790
- type: qemu
template: cumulus
config: Unconfigured
delay: 0
icon: router.png
image: cumulus-vx-3.7.5
name: Leaf04
left: 65%
top: 35%
ram: 1024
console: telnet
cpu: 1
ethernet: 8
uuid: 641a4800-1b19-427c-ae87-4444490b7790
- type: qemu
template: cumulus
config: Unconfigured
delay: 0
icon: router.png
image: cumulus-vx-3.7.5
name: Leaf05
left: 75%
top: 35%
ram: 1024
console: telnet
cpu: 1
ethernet: 8
uuid: 641a4800-1b19-427c-ae87-4444490b7733
- id: 1
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine01
sport: swp1
dst: Leaf01
dport: swp1
- id: 2
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine01
sport: swp2
dst: Leaf02
dport: swp1
- id: 3
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine01
sport: swp3
dst: Leaf03
dport: swp1
- id: 4
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine01
sport: swp4
dst: Leaf04
dport: swp1
- id: 5
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine01
sport: swp5
dst: Leaf05
dport: swp1
- id: 6
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine02
sport: swp4
dst: Leaf04
dport: swp2
- id: 7
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine02
sport: swp3
dst: Leaf03
dport: swp2
- id: 8
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine02
sport: swp2
dst: Leaf02
dport: swp2
- id: 9
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine02
sport: swp1
dst: Leaf01
dport: swp2
- id: 10
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine02
sport: swp5
dst: Leaf05
dport: swp2
- id: 11
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine03
sport: swp5
dst: Leaf05
dport: swp3
- id: 12
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine03
sport: swp4
dst: Leaf04
dport: swp3
- id: 13
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine03
sport: swp3
dst: Leaf03
dport: swp3
- id: 14
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine03
sport: swp2
dst: Leaf02
dport: swp3
- id: 15
type: ethernet
# if it's a connexion between 2 devices, use bridge
network: bridge
src: Spine03
sport: swp1
dst: Leaf01
dport: swp3
- id: 16
network: pnet4
- host: Spine01
port: eth0
- host: Spine02
port: eth0
- host: Spine03
port: eth0
- host: Leaf01
port: eth0
- host: Leaf02
port: eth0
- host: Leaf03
port: eth0
- host: Leaf04
port: eth0
- host: Leaf05
port: eth0
dport: oob
- node: Spine01
type: full
config: homne/daniel/projects/LAB/EVE-Automation/backup/cumulus-spine-leaf.unl/Spine01
- node: Spine02
type: full
config: homne/daniel/projects/LAB/EVE-Automation/backup/cumulus-spine-leaf.unl/Spine02
- node: Leaf01
type: full
config: homne/daniel/projects/LAB/EVE-Automation/backup/cumulus-spine-leaf.unl/Leaf01
- node: Leaf02
type: full
config: homne/daniel/projects/LAB/EVE-Automation/backup/cumulus-spine-leaf.unl/Leaf02
- node: Leaf03
type: full
config: homne/daniel/projects/LAB/EVE-Automation/backup/cumulus-spine-leaf.unl/Leaf03
- node: Leaf04
type: full
config: homne/daniel/projects/LAB/EVE-Automation/backup/cumulus-spine-leaf.unl/Leaf04
Edited by Daniel Gurau