v1.3.0a65fc07a · ·
Write website metadata We now write event metadata for that allows friendlylinuxplayers.org to server event pages. These pages are now used in the iCalendar feed. The calendar feed is updated when events are modified now. Besides all of these files being written, events can now be marked as not requiring game ownership to attend, and upcoming events are listed by date.
v1.2.25e0de773 · ·
Improve info messages and notifications We now notify 24 hours before if an event takes place in more than 30 hours, 1 hour before if it takes place in more than 2 hours, at the mid point if it takes place in at most 2 hours and more than 19 minutes, and not at all if the event takes place in 19 minutes or less.
v1.0.0c253b480 · ·
We've reached a minimally-viable state! flip-matrix-bot is now available for use in #flip:flip.earth (as @bot:flip.earth). Try !f to interact with it. -----BEGIN SSH SIGNATURE----- U1NIU0lHAAAAAQAAADMAAAALc3NoLWVkMjU1MTkAAAAgYsxAyOGvg85VYLHe353S3OQ7KV TzRyz7q3EETnUtJbYAAAADZ2l0AAAAAAAAAAZzaGE1MTIAAABTAAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5 AAAAQBCa28k/m5jnAB+MtmHwsmReJOQWRH6Mx1UC1eOxAA+iVgmG5YmjkFStjpvTl4np4/ ZZpDeOaKnsQUj5YjHuOwA= -----END SSH SIGNATURE-----