Richard Qian authored
This release only deals with the NUMDLB importer to fix dealing with vertex indices and vertex weights. The models tested against for this change are Pac-Man's classic form and Captain Falcon's Blue Falcon. Minor changes: * Fix how vertex indices are determined when importing vertices. This prevents vertex weights from being shared unintentionally with multiple vertices in the same location. * Removed the remove_doubles option, as this operation would interfere with the above change and cause animations to distort certain models.
Richard Qian authoredThis release only deals with the NUMDLB importer to fix dealing with vertex indices and vertex weights. The models tested against for this change are Pac-Man's classic form and Captain Falcon's Blue Falcon. Minor changes: * Fix how vertex indices are determined when importing vertices. This prevents vertex weights from being shared unintentionally with multiple vertices in the same location. * Removed the remove_doubles option, as this operation would interfere with the above change and cause animations to distort certain models.
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