Winnie0408 authored
新增 MIT开源许可证。 新增 README文件,内容待完善。 新增 点击赞赏对话框中的图片,自动将图片保存到相册的功能。 新增、优化 部分文案及其对应的翻译。 优化 “关于”页面中,制作人员对话框的内容尺寸。 优化 修改app主题的parent为`Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar`。 优化 禁止WebView加载JavaScript。 优化 部分变量进行初始化的时机。 优化 部分Popup菜单的宽度。 优化 将项目中涉及软件名称的部分全部用“#”代替,并在代码中又将“#”替换为软件名称,方便后续维护。 修复 歌单来源为网易云音乐时,艺术家信息读取失败的问题。 修复 若应用当前的主题模式与系统不相同,在到达页面边界后继续滑动,会异常漏出底色的问题。 删除 部分注释掉的无用代码。 Added icon files to enrich the software interface. Added the MIT open source license. Added a README file, the content of which is to be improved. Added a feature that automatically saves the picture to the album when you click on the picture in the appreciation dialog box. Added and optimized some text and their corresponding translations. Optimized the content size of the production staff dialog box on the "About" page. Optimized by changing the parent of the app theme to `Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar`. Optimized by prohibiting WebView from loading JavaScript. Optimized the timing of initializing some variables. Optimized the width of some Popup menus. Optimized by replacing all parts of the project involving the software name with "#", and then replacing "#" with the software name in the code, for easy future maintenance. Fixed the issue where artist information fails to load when the song list source is NetEase Cloud Music. Fixed the issue where if the current theme mode of the app is different from the system, continuing to slide after reaching the page boundary will abnormally leak the base color. Deleted some commented out useless code.
Winnie0408 authored新增 MIT开源许可证。 新增 README文件,内容待完善。 新增 点击赞赏对话框中的图片,自动将图片保存到相册的功能。 新增、优化 部分文案及其对应的翻译。 优化 “关于”页面中,制作人员对话框的内容尺寸。 优化 修改app主题的parent为`Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar`。 优化 禁止WebView加载JavaScript。 优化 部分变量进行初始化的时机。 优化 部分Popup菜单的宽度。 优化 将项目中涉及软件名称的部分全部用“#”代替,并在代码中又将“#”替换为软件名称,方便后续维护。 修复 歌单来源为网易云音乐时,艺术家信息读取失败的问题。 修复 若应用当前的主题模式与系统不相同,在到达页面边界后继续滑动,会异常漏出底色的问题。 删除 部分注释掉的无用代码。 Added icon files to enrich the software interface. Added the MIT open source license. Added a README file, the content of which is to be improved. Added a feature that automatically saves the picture to the album when you click on the picture in the appreciation dialog box. Added and optimized some text and their corresponding translations. Optimized the content size of the production staff dialog box on the "About" page. Optimized by changing the parent of the app theme to `Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar`. Optimized by prohibiting WebView from loading JavaScript. Optimized the timing of initializing some variables. Optimized the width of some Popup menus. Optimized by replacing all parts of the project involving the software name with "#", and then replacing "#" with the software name in the code, for easy future maintenance. Fixed the issue where artist information fails to load when the song list source is NetEase Cloud Music. Fixed the issue where if the current theme mode of the app is different from the system, continuing to slide after reaching the page boundary will abnormally leak the base color. Deleted some commented out useless code.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
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