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This project is mirrored from https://***** Pull mirroring updated .
  • v0.5.0
  • v0.4.2
    cbe54095 · Bump version 0.4.2 ·
    - Bugfixes:
      - Public user list does not show on login
      - Authentication was broken, which broke the entire application
  • v0.4.1
    69ddb180 · Bump version v0.4.1 ·
    Bug fix release
    - Fix (de)serialisation code making a mess of things
      - Video's now should start playing faster, due Sailfin no longer
        sending malformed requests to the server.
    - A workaround for a complete UI freeze when connecting to a server over
      HTTPS has been added. This does not work 100% of the time, but it is
      the best I can do at the moment.
    - A crash that occured when clicking on a playlist of audio files has
      been resolved.
  • v0.4.0-1
    1e795ae8 · Bump version v0.4.0 ·
    Version 0.4.0-1
    - Note: Jellyfin 1.7.0 or later is now required for use with Sailfin.
    - AARCH64 support
    - Added a simple music player, that is able to play simple playlists. Nothing fancy
      yet, things like shuffle and dynamically adding items are not supported yet.
    - If possible, media is streamed as-is. In previous versions, media was always being
      transcoded, putting extra strain on the server. Due limitations of QtMultiMedia, any
      video with more than 1 audio tracks is currently still being transcode.
    - Settings have been added to customize streaming behaviour. Transcoding can be disabled
      and the maximum bitrate can be chosen by the user.
    - Some, but far from all pages, have been optimised for landscape mode.
    - Images now show a blurry version of themselves (based on blurhash) before they are
      fully loaded.
    - MPRIS support has been added, allowing the playback to be controlled from the lockscreen
      and in SailfishOS 4.2, also via headset buttons.
    - A start has been made to allow for Sailfin to be remotely controlled by other Jellyfin clients.
      As for now, only basic playback controls such as play/pause/next/previous are implemented.
    - The C++-side has been thoroughly rewritten! Most application logic has been moved
      from QML to C++, parts of the code are generated based on OpenAPI descriptions. This
      should make future additions, such as better caching and offline synchronization,
      easier to implement. This is also why this update took so long, I feel like I've learned
      (read: been frustrated) about a lot of the quirks of C++ and Qt :). This probably has taken most
      of the development time, so I expect now this is done that future updates won't take yet another year.
  • v0.3.0
    9cfd6d7e · Bump v0.3.0 ·
    Release: Release 0.3.0
    Release v0.3.0
    - [Playback]: New: playback progress is reported to the Jellyfin server.
    - [Playback]: New: resume partly played items or start playing from the beginning if desired.
    - [UI] Added: if an image cannot be loaded, it will have a random background colour.
    - [Collections]: Added: allow specifying sort order (Ascending, Descending)
    - [General]: Improved: Added video fallback page to allow unknown video types to be played, although without extra metadata.
    - [General]: Improved: Added folder fallback, so unknown collection types are at least displayed without metadata.
    - [Icon] Improved: icon now looks more like a Sailfin fish
  • v0.2.1-1
    b217e118 · Bump version 0.2.1 ·
    Release v0.2.1-1
  • v0.2.0-1
    edb514bf · BUMP VERSION 0.1.0 ·
    Release v0.2.0-1
    [UI] Added: a settings screen with a logout button.
    [UI] Added: a work-in-progress collection overview page, with an (hopefully) infinite scrolling. Well, if your library is inifitely large.
    [UI] Added: items now show a progress bar depicting how the watch progress. Note that this application doesn't send your watching progress to your Jellyfin server yet.
    [UI] Improved: a few more places show errors messages when things aren't going well, like the video player and login screen.
    [UI] Improved: the enter key now moves to the next dialog page in the setup screen.
    [UI] Improved: several other minor UI adjustments have been made.
    [Video Player] Improved: the screen stays on while a video is playing.
    [General] Improved: Further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments have been made to enhance the user experience.
  • v0.1.0
    edb514bf · BUMP VERSION 0.1.0 ·
    Release: Initial release
    Release v0.1.0
    Initial release!
    The application can list films and series. And play them!