Reintroduce moderation commands
This was brought up on the Discord server:
[12:25] <Agent Neo> But seriously those mod commands were hella useful
[12:26] <Agent Neo> Just wish I could see 'em return
[12:26] <MightyMOE> Well. talk to Laura
[12:27] <Ikaheishi> They were pulled?
[12:27] <tc0> rm -rf /*
[12:28] <MightyMOE> Yeah
[12:28] <MightyMOE> Cause it’s a splatoon bot and no one rlly used the commands
[12:28] <Agent Neo> Trust me, moderation commands are always useful.
[12:29] <Agent Neo> It made dealing with spam a lot easier
[12:29] <Ikaheishi> Agreed
[12:29] <Agent Neo> And not having multiple bots cluttering a member list is always nice.
[12:30] <Agent Neo> + not needing to know multiple prefixes.
[12:30] <MightyMOE> Also the commands oofed at one point
[12:30] <MightyMOE> Which was a big reason in removing them
From what I recall, moderation commands used to be under the Utility cog of Tartar.