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  • Daniel Paul Searles's avatar
    Write additional CA cert bundle to system bundle · 414a7b50
    Daniel Paul Searles authored
    * The image that this analyzer is based upon requires CA certs to be
      written to the main system bundle in order for git to trust the cert
      and go pulls it's deps with git.
    This change addresses the need by:
    * Update common version
    * Pass new command option specifying where to write the additional CA
      cert bundle.
    Write additional CA cert bundle to system bundle
    Daniel Paul Searles authored
    * The image that this analyzer is based upon requires CA certs to be
      written to the main system bundle in order for git to trust the cert
      and go pulls it's deps with git.
    This change addresses the need by:
    * Update common version
    * Pass new command option specifying where to write the additional CA
      cert bundle.
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