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- Modules
  - regularization (new)
    - Tikhonov regularization.
    - L-curve.
    - GCV.
  - interp (new)
    - Kernel interpolation.
  - util
    - Remove lambda functions in macro definition.
    - Helper function to cast integers safely.
  - opt
    - Wrapper class to make ordinary function objects to objective functions in optimization.
    - 1-dimensional global optimization using sampling.
  - numbers
    - Class of floating numbers in a custom number system with given radix.
- Build system
  - Check execution of examples in CI.
- Documentation
  - Check warnings in documentation.
  - Add documentation of some namespaces without documentation comments.
  - Documentation of directory structure.
- Miscellaneous
  - Change cmake-format to cmakelang in Pipfile.
  - Check encoding of source codes.
  - Upgrade Eigen to 3.4.0.
  - Dependency scanning in CI.