Lilian Besson (@Naereen) on GitHub
Hello there
Since September 2019, I am a junior professor in Computer Science (and Mathematics) at ENS de Rennes in France, and I love teaching! I will be a full-time professor of Computer Science in Classes Préparatoires (in MP2I) from next September 2021, in Lycée Kléber in Strasbourg.
More details on my teaching
I teach various courses: a long course INF1 at L1 (+1) level at University Rennes 1 (introduction to programming in Java), a short one "Introduction to Computer Science" at L3 (+3) level for law and economics students at ENS Rennes. Most of my hours are for computer science students at ENS Rennes: classes or practical sessions for Algorithms 1/2, I grade projects for a advanced programming course in C++ at L3 (+3) level ; I also give practical sessions for Signal Processing at M1 (+4) level. I also invite researchers to come talk to our students twice a month, reach me out if you're interested! My main task is to manage the intense training for national competitive exam "agrégation de mathématiques" for the Computer Science minor, for which I teach various small courses at M2 (+5) level, and give rehearsal oral exams (see notebooks).
I enjoyed doing a PhD (2016-19)
Before that, I pursued a Ph.D (phd.pdf) in telecommunications, applied mathematics, machine learning and computer science, at the engineering school CentraleSupélec in Rennes and at Inria in Lille since 2016 to 2019, and I graduated in November 2019. I wrote research articles and research software. I do less research but still a little bit, since my PhD defense.
I'm not only a (proud) geek!
Outside of computer science and teaching, I love biking & hiking, traveling by hitch-hiking and cooking (I'm pro vegetarian!), fighting against the climate crisis and polluters, on a daily basis, on both personal associative and political levels, etc.
More name dropping
📜 License ?
MIT Licensed (file LICENSE). © Lilian Besson, 2015-21.
WakaTime stats ?
See this blog post.
Personal projects
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Passionnate coder on GitHub & Bitbucket! Python fan! Junior professor in Computer Science and Mathematics at ENS de Rennes, Ph.D from CentraleSupélec (2016-19)