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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • qz-2.1.0
    New location tables (ES)
    Updates to location tables (BE, DE, FR, IT, NO, SE, SK)
    Correct per-country road categories (DK, FI, FR, NO, SI)
    Display start and stop time for messages that specify them
    Prevent messages from expiring if their start/stop time is in the future
    Prevent messages from expiring for at least twice the duration of a full band scan
    Allow message updates between TMC services with an ON mapping
    TraFF: indicate if the message location refers to ramps
    TraFF: supply quantifiers in events
    TraFF: add support for Supplementary Information
    Make the UI more responsive on startup
    Improve startup time by extracting the location database only if it has changed
    Debug options: log RDS data received, log TraFF data sent, verbose logging, process pre-recorded RDS data
    Reduce logging verbosity unless verbose logging is enabled
    Fix formatting for long durations indicated in messages
    Fix character encoding issues for some location tables
    Fix a crash on older Android versions (API < 24)
    Fix a crash when the screen is rotated during startup
    Fix a crash when returning to an existing Settings activity
    TraFF: fix bugs in speed and route length processing
    TraFF: fix message start and stop times
    TraFF: store and report message cancellations
  • qz-2.0.0
    Send new messages as TraFF feeds to applications supporting it
    Updates to location tables (FI)
    Fix a bug causing the message list UI to miss some updates
  • qz-1.2
    Fix a bug causing incorrect icons to be displayed in some cases
    Fix a bug which would prevent new Bluetooth connections after an unclean disconnect
    If autoconnect is enabled, try to reconnect lost Bluetooth connections once
    Autoconnect (if enabled) whenever user switches to app, unless already connected
  • qz-1.1
    Bugfix release
    * Properly format messages ending in a question mark
    * Do not rely on prebuilt jars when building with gradle
  • qz-1.0
    Initial release