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pglift v0.13.0

    Fix or adjust Ansible modules DOCUMENTATION block
    Improve log message from
    Drop CLI live displayer replaced by stderr logger
    Log system commands at DEBUG level
    Check that the target instance does not exist during an upgrade
    Replace positional arguments by --name/--version in 'instance upgrade'
    Require pgtoolkit 0.18.0
    Use LogRecord.getMessage() instead of possibly unset 'message' attribute
    Add a hidden 'pgbackrest' proxy command
    Call pgbackrest restore with --delta
    Use rockylinux instead of centos in CI
    Allow to enable/disable data_checksums on existing instance
    Allow to override data_checksums per instance
    Reload instance using pg_reload_conf()
    Adjust Ansible tutorial introduction
    Mention contributing documentation in README
    Document minimal requirements for contribution
    Add details on the test suite in dev documentation
    Improve documentation of 'instance upgrade' command
    Document runtime dependencies
    Document how to clone the repo in contributing section