1.2.0151e8869 · ·
refactor and updates refactored selenium automation to module `psek-fitnesse-fixtures-selenium` Selenium updated to 3.11.0 FitNesse updated to 20180127 Removed some customization of FitNesse Refactored documentation module to work with the new `.wiki` style pages and the older `content.txt` files
1.1.11d64d353d · ·
- **<a href="/reference/soap/soapwebservice-fixture/">SOAPWebserviceFixture</a>** added SSL support using JKS KeyStores and TrustStores. Fixed logging of exceptions while sending the message. - **RestFixture** support for multi-value parameters (key=[value1,value2,value3]) - **BuildJsonStringFixture** new fixture to generate a json message in a testcase.
1.1.92adfde22 · ·
- **SlimWebDriver** added Chrome headless mode. Chrome browser can be used in headless mode on the local system. This is controlled by the following properties in [selenium.properties](/project-template/selenium-properties/#chromeheadless): ['webdriver.chrome.headless=true'](/project-template/selenium-properties/#chromeheadless) and ['webdriver.chrome.headless.window-size=1600x1600'](/project-template/selenium-properties/#chromeheadless). - **SlimWebdriver** added logThis (equal to logThis from OperationsFixture) and logPageSource - **SlimWebDriver** added setLoopCommand toegevoegd fot SlimWebDriver command's with 3 parameters like |selectUsingLabel;|id=mijnlijst|Deze|allowDefault| - **SlimWebDriver** added takeScreenshotOnException, allows for control over the automatic screenshots on exceptions - **SlimWebDriver** added verifyPatternPresent, this method can use a <a href='/reference/parameters/pattern/'>regular expression</a> to find text on the webpage - **Stringfixture** added getSubstringWithRegex toegevoegd - **DatabaseFixture** fix for errors with push fixture / pull fixture and the import table after using the DatabaseFixture. Removed usage of SystemUnderTest. - **DatabaseFixture** updated activateResultSet to lof the resultSet to the System.out logging - **Documentation plugin** All !- and -! character sequences are removed in the output of the following doenumentation parts: TESTCASE, PUROPOSE en DOCUMENTATION BLOCK. This allows for using HTML in a testcase (between !- -!) that will be rendered correctly on the FitNesse wiki page and in the generated documentation file. - **OperationsFixture** updated logThis to support linebreaks, use the string **#LINEBREAK#** in your input. - **SlimWebDriver** updated waitForTextPresent with support for regular expressions using the (<a href='/reference/parameters/pattern/'>pattern</a>) parameter - **SlimWebdriver** updated more logging with errors (url, cookies en pagesource) - **SlimWebDriver** the click command tries to scroll to an element is an ElementNotVisibleException occurs. - **Variables Fixture** convertNumberCharsToAlpha now supports Strings that already contain Alphabetic characters - other small changes
1.1.89c0b53f7 · ·
SlimWebDriver removed auto-adjustment of scaling of the screenshot for high-resolution screens. Added support for customization using a property value "screen.dpr" in the selenium.properties file. Alternatively the value can be set during test execution using the command `setScreenDpr`.
1.1.739e4cc02 · ·
- LdapFixture - RestFixture proxy - update RestAssured version to 3.0.3 - JsonNavigateFixture added more logging - FileUtils added verifySMBFileExists and copyFileToSMBShare, these commands support an samba share and NTLM domain authentication - SlimWebDriver fix in verifyElementPresent
1.1.6e5158a3e · ·
- SlimWebdriver fix in WebDriverScreenshot method determineDevicePixelRatio, casting of double to float - SlimWebdriver added command takeScreenshotOnException to enable this, the new default value (if left unset) is false
1.1.46c79bff0 · ·
- RestFixture added option to use [relaxedHTTPSValidation](https://github.com/rest-assured/rest-assured/wiki/Usage#ssl) - FileUtils added verifyFileExists and getFileSize methods - updated log messages for FixtureOperations.matchOnPattern and FixtureOperations.containsPattern - SlimWebDriver can use multiple properties files, just enumarate them in a comma-separated list when starting SlimWebDriver
1.1.2b29817b9 · ·
Release version 1.1.2 New filedownload option in SlimWebDriver with proxy support using HTTPClient 4.5