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MOAC v1.1.0

- Specify custom temperature.
- Avoid unnecessarily long passwords.
- Better CLI I/O with the ability to read passwords from stdin and strip
  trailing newlines.
- New "ascii" charset, short for "uppercase lowercase numbers symbols"
- The CLI supports a "-v" flag to check the version.

Rohan Kumar (18):
      Fix(CLI): get version from runtime by default
      Feat: specify custom temperature of the system
      Doc: README: add various information
      Feat(CLI): support reading passwords from stdin
      Fix(CLI): moac-pwgen: don't add trailing newlines
      Build: Makefile: fix bmake compatibility
      Test: pass large struct by pointer safely
      Fix: pwgen: don't add an extra unnecessary char
      Refactor: move some unexported funcs to own file
      Fix: ensure that charsets don't shadow each other
      Test: custom charsets shouldn't bloat pw length
      Fix(CLI): moac: remove trailing \n from passwords
      Feat: add "ascii" charset alias
      Doc: have README/man pages reflect recent changes