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MOAC v2.0.2

This release was done mostly to prepare for building some distro

Library: introduced new function charsets.IsDefault()

When running "make install" it's now possible to exclude binaries during
installation, which can make things easier during packaging.

Testing now supports testing CLI programs via "testscript" from

Rohan Kumar (11):
      Refactor: consistency across cmd/* parseOpts()
      Chore(lint): update golangci config for cli tests
      Test: introduce CLI tests for cmd/moac
      Test: introduce CLI tests for cmd/moac-pwgen
      Refactor: make cmd/*/main.go only exit in main()
      Feat: new function charsets.IsDefault()
      Refactor: simplify charsets.ParseCharsets
      Refactor: simplify genpw_test.go
      Build: allow excluding bins in "make install"
      Chore(dep): bump deps, date
      Chore(CI): update CI configs