This is the wiki for torRpgBot. torRpgBot is a Discord bot that handles rolling dice for The One Ring (TOR) rpg. While there are many dice rollers, most of them are centered on either general rolling or on d20 based systems. I wanted a bot that would implement the TOR-specific rules on rolling dice for me so that I didn't have to check the results myself. I also wanted the bot to be able to handle adversary rolls, mastery dice, and feat die advantage/disadvantage. There is a good bot that does most of this developed by Zed (you can find him on the TOR Discord server), but it didn't do everything I wanted it to do, I wasn't the biggest fan of the syntax, and I couldn't get the dice face emojis to work on my personal server. So I decided to write my own bot.
This bot is not really designed to be used across multiple servers, although nothing really prevents that. However, since it's open-source Rust, just about anyone should be able to host their own instance.
Instructions on how to download and run this bot will be forthcoming. As will coding practices for any who want to contribute to this project.
You can see a list of the dependencies in the Cargo.toml file.