ChWick authored
Added OgreSDKUtil to dependencies added OgreSdkUtil updated Findbullet (correct order of lib includes) Added notes for the modifications of the ogre-paged files Added branch codeblocks for ProjectFiles of CodeBlocks Added configuration files Testing Revert "Added notes for the modifications of the ogre-paged files" This reverts commit 0c88b778. Revert "Testing" This reverts commit 75988a28. Revert "Added notes for the modifications of the ogre-paged files" This reverts commit 0c88b778. Revert "Testing" This reverts commit 75988a28. test Added project files for CodeBlocks and VisualStudio fix #1 Update of depend Added .gitignore-files Added TODO's Added overlays Added Texts added materials added packs updated .gitignore (.cfg, .layout) updates to new system added bullet ogre wrappers added physics support updated codeblocks file Added models and maps added textures fixed bug if cam_pos of a link was not set (since it is not required) added LICENCE for the map models/textures updates updated characters and loading dotscene file added new logic/physics added zeldamap textures, to pack to a single file added collision detection prototype to CEntity and implementation to CPerson added Actions and Messages adapted CMessageHandler to handle polymorphic messages implemented map switching (starting) update change map added example language files ignoring .mesh.xml and unignoring zip; ignoring temporary blend files since levels are packed into zip files, we dont need to commit them, zip files are commited instead added test map files added a cylinder test model deleted Codeblocks depend file deleted Codeblocks depend file detecting map enter directon and fixing CCharacter setPosition added move to target after map switch; fixed resource loading: refering to wrong resource group stop looking for map xml and scene file if not found, caused by wrong paths in files updated of CodeBlocks files added map part working for link house added position detection of camera bounds on plane main camera is now using orthographic view added camera bounds added deleting of old map after valid camera pos testing enable shadows added tiles map approach fixed shadows: missing edge list of meshes update logic adaped removed debug output of aerial camera added world gui class moved WorldGUI to own directory added woldgui with hud and hp indicator: heartsdisplay-component added woldgui with hud and hp indicator: heartsdisplay-component adjusted hearts label added shadowed label using new OgreTray/ShadowedLabel added a counter for the gui Added new Files renamed rupee added counter picture remove testing of new gui components and added new conters update of map test and tiles added game pack renamed ruby to rupee moved some unused materials; added game pack and exit methods call on deleting added an entity manager to handle deleting of entities fixed introducing exit methods for proprer deleting added Game/Soil material to game pack and adding a bush added house shadow textures added ground to wall textures added ground to wall textures update of map adde new tile added house textures test including ap created packs for link house and light world tiles/house mat/tex tidy up of maps working files added water wall physics, to be edited... fixed casting shadows (missing edge list in new cyliner) and added Physics_only material, that should never be visible! added changes for cmake buildsystem and android support fixes for android added build android files update of code blocks file added cmake files added ResourcesJar fixed cmake for linux fixes after delting duplicates updated link house added m_pRoot cegui to GUIOverlay added pull down menu implementation finished pull menu top, bug existing on leave area finished all directions in pull mennu fixes for mac os further fixes for osx fixes a few warnings created source groups added lcmd/lwin+q to quit added debug pull menu and added toggle physics to it added pack creator added copyright to old files added tools for copyright licnece update of packs added copyright and renamed to hpp added link_house to create packs tool added bushes loading and trying implementation of interaction with it setup initial enabled to true lifting objects implemented throwing object added bush casting shadow when lifted and adapted gravity constant static physics now gets user pointer to CMap and processing all collisions to call interactOnCollision to all world entities added entity states and deleting green bush on collision with world moved state change of lifted/thrwn object from CPlayer to CObject added borders for jump detection adapted jump speed added entity state delete added fence as light_world object added tiles to change shadow w tile type of bush or stone... added light stone packed last commits
ChWick authoredAdded OgreSDKUtil to dependencies added OgreSdkUtil updated Findbullet (correct order of lib includes) Added notes for the modifications of the ogre-paged files Added branch codeblocks for ProjectFiles of CodeBlocks Added configuration files Testing Revert "Added notes for the modifications of the ogre-paged files" This reverts commit 0c88b778. Revert "Testing" This reverts commit 75988a28. Revert "Added notes for the modifications of the ogre-paged files" This reverts commit 0c88b778. Revert "Testing" This reverts commit 75988a28. test Added project files for CodeBlocks and VisualStudio fix #1 Update of depend Added .gitignore-files Added TODO's Added overlays Added Texts added materials added packs updated .gitignore (.cfg, .layout) updates to new system added bullet ogre wrappers added physics support updated codeblocks file Added models and maps added textures fixed bug if cam_pos of a link was not set (since it is not required) added LICENCE for the map models/textures updates updated characters and loading dotscene file added new logic/physics added zeldamap textures, to pack to a single file added collision detection prototype to CEntity and implementation to CPerson added Actions and Messages adapted CMessageHandler to handle polymorphic messages implemented map switching (starting) update change map added example language files ignoring .mesh.xml and unignoring zip; ignoring temporary blend files since levels are packed into zip files, we dont need to commit them, zip files are commited instead added test map files added a cylinder test model deleted Codeblocks depend file deleted Codeblocks depend file detecting map enter directon and fixing CCharacter setPosition added move to target after map switch; fixed resource loading: refering to wrong resource group stop looking for map xml and scene file if not found, caused by wrong paths in files updated of CodeBlocks files added map part working for link house added position detection of camera bounds on plane main camera is now using orthographic view added camera bounds added deleting of old map after valid camera pos testing enable shadows added tiles map approach fixed shadows: missing edge list of meshes update logic adaped removed debug output of aerial camera added world gui class moved WorldGUI to own directory added woldgui with hud and hp indicator: heartsdisplay-component added woldgui with hud and hp indicator: heartsdisplay-component adjusted hearts label added shadowed label using new OgreTray/ShadowedLabel added a counter for the gui Added new Files renamed rupee added counter picture remove testing of new gui components and added new conters update of map test and tiles added game pack renamed ruby to rupee moved some unused materials; added game pack and exit methods call on deleting added an entity manager to handle deleting of entities fixed introducing exit methods for proprer deleting added Game/Soil material to game pack and adding a bush added house shadow textures added ground to wall textures added ground to wall textures update of map adde new tile added house textures test including ap created packs for link house and light world tiles/house mat/tex tidy up of maps working files added water wall physics, to be edited... fixed casting shadows (missing edge list in new cyliner) and added Physics_only material, that should never be visible! added changes for cmake buildsystem and android support fixes for android added build android files update of code blocks file added cmake files added ResourcesJar fixed cmake for linux fixes after delting duplicates updated link house added m_pRoot cegui to GUIOverlay added pull down menu implementation finished pull menu top, bug existing on leave area finished all directions in pull mennu fixes for mac os further fixes for osx fixes a few warnings created source groups added lcmd/lwin+q to quit added debug pull menu and added toggle physics to it added pack creator added copyright to old files added tools for copyright licnece update of packs added copyright and renamed to hpp added link_house to create packs tool added bushes loading and trying implementation of interaction with it setup initial enabled to true lifting objects implemented throwing object added bush casting shadow when lifted and adapted gravity constant static physics now gets user pointer to CMap and processing all collisions to call interactOnCollision to all world entities added entity states and deleting green bush on collision with world moved state change of lifted/thrwn object from CPlayer to CObject added borders for jump detection adapted jump speed added entity state delete added fence as light_world object added tiles to change shadow w tile type of bush or stone... added light stone packed last commits
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 only.
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