v1.202b32187e · ·
- API fix: now user does need to reauthenticate the app every time opes the app. !68 - Quickadd Fix: Check for existing bookmark before adding if exists.
v1.18b826dea6 · ·
This release is major release. Thanks to [newhinton](https://gitlab.com/newhinton). The following feature are released: - One click Quick Sharing. - Folder structure. - CI FIX. - Multiple functionality improvements and remove unnecessary methods. - Switching between multiple accounts. - The following Issues has been addressed in the following release: - [Save in folders](https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks/-/issues/25) - [Switching between multiple SSO accounts](https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks/-/issues/79) - [widget and tags improvement](https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks/-/issues/7) - [[feature request] save in folders](https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks/-/issues/25) - [return](https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks/-/issues/71) - [Configurable default view](https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks/-/issues/1) - [Folder support?](https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks/-/issues/61) - [Where are the bookmarks folders?](https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks/-/issues/68) - [CI pipeline is broken](https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks/-/issues/78) - [Drawer home icon missing](https://gitlab.com/bisada/OCBookmarks/-/issues/52)
v1.1528096a91 · ·
- Bookmark description & Title depend on API. - Bookmarks can now exported and saved to phone.