responseClass loses proto Map values
We are calling new responseClass(update)
in execStreamMethod
When the proto response contains a Map
, the Map (key, value)s are lost and I cannot find a way to retrieve them.
Here is a simple reproduction:
// in execStreamMethod
if (update['exposed_outputs']) {
console.log('before', update['exposed_outputs']);
const convertedUpdate = new responseClass(update); // this is where we convert to responseClass
if (convertedUpdate['exposed_outputs']) {
console.log('after', convertedUpdate['exposed_outputs']);
Here is the output:
[Node] before { 'outputs.0':
[Node] { value: 'csv_uri',
[Node] error: null,
[Node] raw: null,
[Node] dataset_uri: '',
[Node] csv_uri: 'file:///out/predict1.csv',
[Node] pickle_uri: '',
[Node] pickle_blob: <Buffer >,
[Node] plasma_id: <Buffer > } }
[Node] after Map {
[Node] field:
[Node] T {
[Node] builder:
[Node] Builder {
[Node] ns: [T],
[Node] ptr: [T],
[Node] resolved: false,
[Node] result: null,
[Node] files: [Object],
[Node] importRoot: null,
[Node] options: [Object] },
[Node] parent:
[Node] T {
[Node] builder: [Builder],
[Node] parent: [T],
[Node] name: 'GetProduceSolutionResultsResponse',
[Node] className: 'Message',
[Node] children: [Array],
[Node] options: {},
[Node] syntax: 'proto3',
[Node] extensions: undefined,
[Node] clazz: [Function],
[Node] isGroup: false,
[Node] _fields: [Array],
[Node] _fieldsById: [Object],
[Node] _fieldsByName: [Object],
[Node] _oneofsByName: {} },
[Node] name: 'exposed_outputs',
[Node] className: 'Message.Field',
[Node] required: false,
[Node] repeated: false,
[Node] map: true,
[Node] keyType: { name: 'string', wireType: 2, defaultValue: '' },
[Node] type: { name: 'message', wireType: 2, defaultValue: null },
[Node] resolvedType:
[Node] T {
[Node] builder: [Builder],
[Node] parent: [T],
[Node] name: 'Value',
[Node] className: 'Message',
[Node] children: [Array],
[Node] options: {},
[Node] syntax: 'proto3',
[Node] extensions: undefined,
[Node] clazz: [Function],
[Node] isGroup: false,
[Node] _fields: [Array],
[Node] _fieldsById: [Object],
[Node] _fieldsByName: [Object],
[Node] _oneofsByName: [Object] },
[Node] id: 3,
[Node] options: {},
[Node] defaultValue: null,
[Node] oneof: null,
[Node] syntax: 'proto3',
[Node] originalName: 'exposed_outputs',
[Node] element:
[Node] Element {
[Node] type: [Object],
[Node] resolvedType: [T],
[Node] isMapKey: false,
[Node] syntax: 'proto3',
[Node] name: 'exposed_outputs' },
[Node] keyElement:
[Node] Element {
[Node] type: [Object],
[Node] resolvedType: undefined,
[Node] isMapKey: true,
[Node] syntax: 'proto3',
[Node] name: 'exposed_outputs' } },
[Node] keyElem:
[Node] Element {
[Node] type: { name: 'string', wireType: 2, defaultValue: '' },
[Node] resolvedType: null,
[Node] isMapKey: true,
[Node] syntax: 'proto3',
[Node] name: undefined },
[Node] valueElem:
[Node] Element {
[Node] type: { name: 'message', wireType: 2, defaultValue: null },
[Node] resolvedType:
[Node] T {
[Node] builder: [Builder],
[Node] parent: [T],
[Node] name: 'Value',
[Node] className: 'Message',
[Node] children: [Array],
[Node] options: {},
[Node] syntax: 'proto3',
[Node] extensions: undefined,
[Node] clazz: [Function],
[Node] isGroup: false,
[Node] _fields: [Array],
[Node] _fieldsById: [Object],
[Node] _fieldsByName: [Object],
[Node] _oneofsByName: [Object] },
[Node] isMapKey: false,
[Node] syntax: 'proto3',
[Node] name: undefined },
[Node] map: { 'outputs.0': { key: 'outputs.0',
[Node] value:
[Node] { value: 'plasma_id',
[Node] error: null,
[Node] raw: null,
[Node] dataset_uri: null,
[Node] csv_uri: null,
[Node] pickle_uri: null,
[Node] pickle_blob: null,
[Node] plasma_id: [ByteBuffer] } } } } }
It can be seen that after the conversion the values in exposed_outputs['outputs.0']
are lost. csv_uri
should contain a csv path but it is now null. Am I missing something?
My get-around is:
const originalUpdate = cloneDeep(update);
update = new responseClass(update);
// This is a hack that prevents grpc Map being converted to a proto Map class instance that loses its orignal (key, values).
for (const key in update) {
const value = update[key];
if (value.field && value.keyElem && value.valueElem && {
update[key] = originalUpdate[key];
This hack replaces the proto Map instance by the original object.
Edited by Bowen Yu