At GitLab
I am a Senior Frontend Engineer in the Utilization group of the Fulfillment sub-department. From 2023-01-23 to 2023-04-17, I enrolled in an Internship for Learning as a PM in Fulfillment:Purchase.
About me
My name is Angelo (pronounced like /ˈan.d͡ʒe.lo/). I am from Enna, Sicily, Italy. I have lived in Munich, Bavaria, Germany since 2015. Since June 2023, I am back to my hometown. I am the proud legal guardian of Tarta.
Presence on the web
Personal traits
Here are some facts about me to give you an idea of who (I think) I am:
- I like to listen to everyone's point of view. When doing it, I tend to nod and smile: it means I am listening not that I agree
- I am open-minded. I prefer to give ideas careful evaluation before accepting them
- I don't like absolutness and rigidity. Therefore, even if I am stubborn – it is really hard to convince me – I gladly accept suggestions and I am always eager to try things out
- I usually play the devil's advocate: there is always an angle that has not been evaluated and is worth to explore. Especially for topics I deem important, I tend to put interlocutors on trial: it is not personal, the aim is to get the best out of the conversation and reach a common ground
- I don't like commands. If someone is not able to argue their position, it is not a worthy one
- I reason schematically, it helps me see the evolution of an idea (e.g., I ask quesitons to try and understand how something got from A to B)
- I believe in people and their abilities even, and especially, when they don't believe in themselves. Therefore, I often encourage them and try to help them out
Here are some things to take into account when collaborating with me:
- I am always eager to offer help. Ask me anything anytime. Although I might not show it, I appreciate people saying "Thanks"
- I struggle to say "No", it is emotionally distressing. If it happens, I could not have decided otherwise
- I rely heavily on slow-thinking to be effective in my decision making. Therefore, I have a bias for any style of communication that helps me with that (e.g., written, async, ecc)
- I promote my own ideas and solutions poorly. When I do, I appreciate recognition. When in difficulty, I appreciate support and guidance
- I have an innate propensity for problem solving. I find it hard to tell if someone is asking for help or just sharing frustration. Please, consider making it clear to me, even if it seems awkward
How to read my Google Calendar
I'm a non-linear workday practitioner. My working hours are roughly 07:00 – 18:00
(it doesn't mean I work ~ 11 hours). To help understand what I am doing at a certain moment of the day, see this helpful list of emojis. Although I try to keep Slack and Goolge Calendar in sync, always refer to the latter as the source of truth.
🍝 , I am having lunch, or a break from work (sometimes I skip meals). I don't read emails or pings; I check Slack from mobile -
👧 , I am taking care of my daughter. I don't read emails or pings; I check Slack from mobile -
⌛ ,🎸 I am focusing on personal development (e.g., studying, learning, etc). I don't read emails, pings or Slack -
🤗 , I am taking care of my mental health with a professional advisor. I don't read emails, pings or Slack -
🎧 , I am focusing and will most likely not accept meetings invitations for this slot. I read emails, pings or Slack -
⛔ , busy. I don't read emails, pings or Slack
Other meetings I participate in appear as busy slots. Whenever the calendar is fee, you can assume I am working. I gladly accept meetings, coffee chats, etc. I will reply to emails, pings, and Slack.
I appreciate any feedabck and suggestions on how to make my schedule more comprehensible, and transparent for others.
Emoji Pet Peeve
There's one emoji that particularly annoys me, mainly because I have assigned it a personal meaning:
Personal projects
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Pronouns: he/him
"Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler"