### Added - Feature: archive/unarchive from listing for maintainers #309 #331 - Feature: case can be archived #139 - Feature: filter deleted in listing for admin #308 ### Changed - Refactored: showing date of archived/dead mark on person #274 - Refactored: notes can be added only from inside the objects, not from listing #303 - Refactored: unification of terminology in UI (part) #7 - Refactored: report link unification #321 - Refactored: improved report creation #259 #342 - Refactored: search UI to bootstrap #119 - Refactored: Tooltips on iconized actions #330 - Refactored: Tooltips on labels #320 - Refactored: note deletion #312 - Refactored: floating save button on reports #322 - Refactored: 'mark all as read' can work per section #186 - Refactored: filter() removal from item linking #343 ### Fixed - Fixed: updating roof/archived on person #274 - Fixed: creating notes #297 - Fixed: new symbol creation #305 - Fixed: all notes on report marked as secret #302 - Fixed: change user password #276 - Fixed: note formating while editing person #319 - Fixed: edit link permisssion check #185 - Fixed: disable links to deleted items in listings #226 - Fixed: read all link update on old UI #186 - Fixed: notes from users without person #332 #340 - Fixed: note author display #318 #332