André Santos authored
--Docker bootstrap - Add Dockerfile in /server folder to build a node container to run the dev environment - Add a package.json with the core devDependencies, @babel and nodemon for eager loading - Add relevant files and folders to .gitignore and .dockerignore - Add a simple Hello World to the server script - Add a docker-compose.yml with the server service building settings, including a volume mapping the code inside the container. - Add a LICENSE to the repository
André Santos authored--Docker bootstrap - Add Dockerfile in /server folder to build a node container to run the dev environment - Add a package.json with the core devDependencies, @babel and nodemon for eager loading - Add relevant files and folders to .gitignore and .dockerignore - Add a simple Hello World to the server script - Add a docker-compose.yml with the server service building settings, including a volume mapping the code inside the container. - Add a LICENSE to the repository
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