About Me
Hi, I'm Angela, a software engineer specializing in full stack web development! Feel free to take a peek around my repositories here on GitLab, but please note that my most recent work can be found on GitHub. While you're here, check out my project CommuniTEA, and my custom theme for Oh My Posh below!
CommuniTEA is a single-page web application built in React that utilizes a FastAPI with PostgreSQL backend. Its aim is to unite tea-enthusiasts with their local communities around small businesses à la Seattle coffee shop culture. This app was created in an agile environment alongside two of my classmates as our final project for our web dev certification program. Check out a live demo of the site here!
Angela's Catppuccin for OMP
Try my OMP theme based on the popular Catppuccin palette for some lovely pastel aesthetics alongside tons of added functionality!
Personal projects
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Pronouns: she/her