Relicense as MPL-2.0
The preferred license for Antora projects is the Mozilla Public License 2.0 (MPL-2.0). The initial contribution for this project came in under the Apache Software License 2.0 (ASL-2.0). We would like to relicense the project to be consistent with other projects in the Antora organization.
The two software licenses are very similar in spirit (though IANAL). The main way in which they differ is that changes to an MPL-2.0 project must be made publicly available (such as in a public fork of the repository). This ensures that improvements to the software (and this software alone) are reciprocal. The license does not impose any mandates on the software that uses, integrates with, ships with, or links to this software. You can use the software in any context. In other words, the MPL-2.0 license is not viral.
In order to relicense, the creator of the software, @rwinch, will need to approve this change.