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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v0.29.1 Release: v0.29.1
    - Fix loading an empty run log
    - Fix not showing the correct workspace created at datetime
    - Fix space on copy run SUUID
  • v0.29.0 Release: v0.29.0
    - Upgrade to Vuetify 3 and, as part of the upgrade, enhanced the User Experience of the web interface, including improved readability.
    - On the workspace and project page, you can now view the workspace/project's SUUID, creation date-time, creator and description by clicking on the arrow in the upper right corner.
    - Introduced a "scroll to top" feature to make it faster to go to the top of the page.
    - Reduced the number of API calls made by using the web interface.
    - Removed the Intercom widget on the web interface and documenation.
  • v0.28.2 Release: v0.28.2
    - Fix not loading history package on empty created by
  • v0.28.1 Release: v0.28.1
    - Fix the width of pre code in Markdown render & job page
  • v0.28.0 Release: v0.28.0
    - Add filter and search bar for project and job runs
  • v0.27.0 Release: v0.27.0
    - Make info about runs available on project level
    - Fix deployment of review environments after version upgrade of the Kubernetes cluster
  • v0.26.0 Release: v0.26.0
    - Implement "_at" suffix for date-time fields to support latest version of the AskAnna Backend
    - On workspaces, projects and people view by default load 27 items and add a load more button to support large screens
    - On sign up form added a check on the width of the read more button
    - Fix automatic releasing to GitHub
  • v0.25.1 Release: v0.25.1
    - Removed empty spaces in the file (pre)view. This fixes the added spaces when manually selecting and copying text from file content.
    - Design UI: align padding for tabs and breadcrumbs on all pages
    - GitLab CI/CD: make AskAnna Backend URL configurable for review deployments
    - Update Kubernetes configuration
  • v0.25.0 Release: v0.25.0
    - First open source release of the AskAnna Frontend and new CI/CD jobs to publish new releases
    - Refactor run info to fix showing avatar from created by on run page
    - Change breaks prop to false on Markdown to render Markdown conform to official specs
    - Fix edit job description
    - Extend the list of file extensions for which we cannot show a preview (h5, pkl, parquet, app, exe, com, dll, dmg, iso, jar, zip, ko, lib, so, dat, bin and cab)