BETSEE (Mighty Maxwell) released. Significant changes include: * Custom tissue profiles. Users may now define an arbitrary number of custom tissue profiles (i.e., contiguous regions of the cell cluster), each of which assigns all cells residing in that region the same simulation configuration settings -- including membrane diffusion constants for all available ions (e.g., sodium, potassium, chloride). * Custom exports. Users may define an arbitrary number of custom exports (i.e., files saved to disk when one or more checkboxes beneath the "Export?" column in the "Phase Playlist" section are checked). For usability, the top-level tree widget now sports a nested subtree of export-specific tree items, complete with suitable vector-based iconography and human-readable tooltips. This includes: * Comma-separated value (CSV) files. * Cell cluster animations (i.e., compressed videos visualizing a single measurable quantity across the entire cell cluster at all simulation time steps). * Cell cluster plots (i.e., single images visualizing a single measurable quantity across the entire cell cluster at the last simulation time step). * Single cell plots (i.e., single images visualizing a single measurable quantity isolated to a single cell at all simulation time steps), where the cell to be visualized is selected by its uniquely identifying 0-based index in the currently generated cell cluster. * Global export settings. The top-level "Export" item enables settings globally applicable to all custom exports to be trivially configured, including: * Cell index-centric settings, enabling end users to configure whether cell indices are displayed in cell cluster visuals and the index of the cell to be displayed in single cell plots. * Matplotlib colormaps. The matplotlib-specific colormaps used to associate measurable quantities visualized by plots and animations (e.g., transmembrane potential) with color values are now globally configurable. This includes the default colormaps for intrinsically diverging, sequential, streamline, and network data. * User-configurable tree list items. Predesignated parent items of the top-level tree widget (e.g., "Space/Tissue") now act as dynamically resizable lists of child items, each of which is associated with the same stacked widget page (e.g., "Custom Tissue Profile"). Likewise, end users may interactively add an arbitrary number of new child items and remove existing child items from such parent items. Additionally: * Automatic prepopulation and depopulation. Child tree items of such parent items are now dynamically added (i.e., prepopulated) and removed (i.e., depopulated) on opening and closing simulation configurations respectively. * Guaranteed success. Actions permitting users to append and remove child items to and from these lists are conditionally enabled and disabled, guaranteeing these actions to always succeed if enabled. * Issue resolutions, including: * Infinite recursion on pushing undo commands from editable widgets. * Overflow error raised by "libshoken" in relation to undo command request handling. * Erroneous exceptions raised on pushing the "Browse..." buttons associated with all dirnames edited by the "Paths" stacked widget page. * Exceptions with empty messages, which are now displayed in a mildly more meaningful manner. * "--sim-conf-file" failures. To do so, the newly defined QBetseeSimConf.unload() method now provides an orthogonal analogue to the existing QBetseeSimConf.load() method, eliminating numerous awkward edge cases and subtle chiken-and-egg issues throughout the codebase. * API generalizations, including: * The existing "betsee.gui.simconf.guisimconfundo" submodule, whose QBetseeSimConfUndoStack.push_undo_cmd_if_safe() method prevents undo commands from being pushed to this stack if no simulation configuration is currently open. * The existing "" subpackage, which has been restructed for maintainability by: * Splitting all spatial-centric stacked widget pages into a new "" subpackage. * Splitting all export-centric stacked widget pages into a new "" subpackage. * The existing "" submodule, which now defines a "QBetseeSimConfPagerTissueABC" superclass generally applicable to both default and custom tissue profile stacked widget pages. * The existing "betsee.gui.simconf.stack.widget.guisimconfcombobox" submodule. Notable new classes include: * "QBetseeSimConfComboBoxABC", the abstract base class of all simulation configuration-specific combo box subclasses. * "QBetseeSimConfComboBoxSequence", the concrete subclass of all simulation configuration-specific combo boxes backed by a simple sequence of raw strings. * The existing "betsee.gui.simconf.tree.guisimconftree" submodule, whose QBetseeSimConfTreeWidget._init_items() method efficiently and explicitly initializes all containers containing tree items, including those internally required by the corresponding "QBetseeSimConfStackedWidget" instance. This method obsoletes the the removed QBetseeSimConfStackedWidget._init_tree_to_stack() and QBetseeSimConfTreeWidget._init_items_list_root() methods. * The existing "betsee.util.widget.mixin.guiwdg" submodule, whose QBetseeObjectMixin.init() method now accepts an optional "is_reinitable" parameter permitting application-specific Qt objects to be reinitialized in a general-purpose manner. (This is strictly required for reinitializing each stacked widget page associated with a child tree item providing a dynamic list item immediately before that page is displayed on selecting that child tree item.) * The existing "betsee.util.widget.stock.tree.guitreewdg" submodule, whose "QBetseeTreeWidget" superclass now defines: * A get_item_current() method safely retrieving the currently selected tree item if any. * A new "" submodule, serving as an application-wide icon store efficiently caching instantiated icons. Notable functions include: * get_icon_dot(), caching a general-purpose bullet point icon. * A new "" submodule, providing a seamless cache for transparent creation, caching, and retrieval of SVG-based "QIcon" objects from arbitrary URIs. Notable functions include: * make_icon(), instantiating such icons. * A new "" subpackage containing: * The prior "guicontrolabc" submodule, shifted for maintainability. * The new "guictlpagerabc" submodule, defining abstract base classes and mixins specific to pagers (i.e., stacked widget page controllers) -- all of which now subclass these abstract base classes and mixins as appropriate. * A new "betsee.util.widget.mixin.guiwdgedit" submodule, containing the "QBetseeEditWidgetMixin" superclass previously contained within the "betsee.util.widget.mixin.guiwdg" submodule. Subclasses of this superclass are now required to override the recursion-safe _init_safe() method rather than the recursion-unsafe init() method. * A new "betsee.util.widget.stock.guicombobox" submodule, whose "QBetseeComboBox" superclass generalizes the stock "QComboBox" API with improved Pythonics. * A new "betsee.util.widget.stock.tree.guitreeitem" submodule implementing a high-level tree widget item API encapsulating Qt's considerably lower-level "QTreeWidgetItem" API. Notable functions include: * get_child_item_with_text_path(), enabling callers to obtain arbitrary tree items via their absolute first-column text paths (i.e., the unique sequence of the first-column text of all items leading to the desired tree item, including itself). * get_item_preceding_or_none(), contextually retrieving the tree item preceding any arbitrary tree item. * A new "betsee.util.path.guipathenum" submodule, defining one global integer bit mask constant for each Qt-specific "QFileDialog::Option" enumeration member, enabling the codebase to trivially enable path dialag options in a Pythonic manner. Notably, the "betsee.util.path.guidir" and "betsee.util.path.guipath" submodules now leverage these constants.