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  • Howard Abrams's avatar
    Initial directory structure and org configuration · 5e56176f
    Howard Abrams authored
    This project began in earnest during Winter Break 2017. We called that version
    1.0, and keeping track of the version history seemed like a good idea at the
       - Created the initial directory structure
       - Ported the extra functions and misc into =ha-goodies= collection
       - Ported the org configuration into =ha-org=
       - Created a way for /computer-specific/ configuration can be stored
    Initial directory structure and org configuration
    Howard Abrams authored
    This project began in earnest during Winter Break 2017. We called that version
    1.0, and keeping track of the version history seemed like a good idea at the
       - Created the initial directory structure
       - Ported the extra functions and misc into =ha-goodies= collection
       - Ported the org configuration into =ha-org=
       - Created a way for /computer-specific/ configuration can be stored
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