Segmentation fault when running 0 iterations
Hi, When I run simulation with 0 iterations I receive segfault:
castor-recon -th 16 -df example_simulated_raw_data/simulation_phantom_belzunce_5e6.cdh -dout results/mlem -proj joseph -it 0:1 -oit -1 -dim 128,128,1 -vb 0 -opti MLEM
castor-recon() -> Launch reconstruction from CASToR version 3.1.1.
----- Dynamic model: No parameters given - setting diagonal basis functions !
double free or corruption (out)
Aborted (core dumped)'''
If I launch ```strace''' on it I see messages like this:
```read(5, "# MLEM needs a strictly positive"..., 8191) '''
apparently, MLEM requires positive number of iterations. In any case, segfault is not good here.