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  • Giacomo Catenazzi's avatar
    Rename license file, do not upload sources, counts lines · 090d4946
    Giacomo Catenazzi authored
    Now that we are in GitLab and GitHub, we put license files
    (GPL-2 and GPL-3) in a more standard name: LICENSE and
    LICENSE.GPL-3. Because we insert (and later), we put
    GPL-2 as "default" license.
    We do no build sources tar anymore. The official sources
    are now in git, and we distribute on GitLab and GitHub.
    [I have some clocal copies, but for now I do no provide
    directly the sources. If you think it is a problem,
    just email me]
    We add also a small function in utils, to get line counts
    (copied from utils/, but now we can call
    it independently, and we can create a file for every
    version automatically).
    Rename license file, do not upload sources, counts lines
    Giacomo Catenazzi authored
    Now that we are in GitLab and GitHub, we put license files
    (GPL-2 and GPL-3) in a more standard name: LICENSE and
    LICENSE.GPL-3. Because we insert (and later), we put
    GPL-2 as "default" license.
    We do no build sources tar anymore. The official sources
    are now in git, and we distribute on GitLab and GitHub.
    [I have some clocal copies, but for now I do no provide
    directly the sources. If you think it is a problem,
    just email me]
    We add also a small function in utils, to get line counts
    (copied from utils/, but now we can call
    it independently, and we can create a file for every
    version automatically).
This project is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0 only. Learn more