2025.01.13.1 ____ * Set additional preferences to ensure DNS Prefetching is fully disabled for defense in depth - `dom.prefetch_dns_for_anchor_http_document` & `dom.prefetch_dns_for_anchor_https_document` -> `false` * Similarly, set the maximum amount of connections for Preconnect to `0`... - `network.early-hints.preconnect.max_connections` -> `0` * Disabled saving clipboard history locally and/or to the cloud... - `clipboard.copyPrivateDataToClipboardCloudOrHistory` -> `false` * Set `file://` URLs to open in a separate content process - `browser.tabs.remote.separateFileUriProcess` -> `true` * Enabled [Opaque Response Blocking](https://github.com/annevk/orb) - `browser.opaqueResponseBlocking` & `browser.opaqueResponseBlocking.javascriptValidator` -> `true` * Enabled SHIP (Session History In Parent), as it's required for Per-site process isolation (Fission) - `fission.disableSessionHistoryInParent` -> `false` * Explicitly opted out of the origin trial for [Privacy-Preserving Attribution](https://support.mozilla.org/kb/privacy-preserving-attribution) for defense in depth - `dom.origin-trials.private-attribution.state` -> `2` * Enforced blocking access to the AddonManager over insecure protocols - `extensions.webapi.testing.http` -> `false` * Additionally, blocked certain Mozilla developer websites from accessing the AddonManager... - `extensions.webapi.testing` -> `false` * Enforced always running web extensions out of process - `extensions.webextensions.remote` -> `true` * Enabled [COEP: credentialless](https://developer.chrome.com/blog/coep-credentialless-origin-trial) - `browser.tabs.remote.coep.credentialless` -> `true`, `dom.origin-trials.coep-credentialless.state` -> `1` * Prevented `remoteTypes` from triggering process switches they shouldn't be able to... - `browser.tabs.remote.enforceRemoteTypeRestrictions` -> `true` * Switched setting Quad9 as the default DoH provider by now using `network.trr.default_provider_uri` instead of `network.trr.custom_uri` & `network.trr.uri` - `network.trr.default_provider_uri` -> `https://dns.quad9.net/dns-query`, `network.trr.custom_uri` & `network.trr.uri` -> ` ` * Minor tweaks & re-organization ___ Codeberg: See [here](https://codeberg.org/celenity/Phoenix/compare/2025.01.12.2...2025.01.13.1) for more details. GitLab: See [here](https://gitlab.com/celenity/Phoenix/-/compare/2025.01.12.2...2025.01.13.1) for more details. GitHub: See [here](https://github.com/celenityy/Phoenix/compare/2025.01.12.2...2025.01.13.1) for more details. ___ :)