2025.01.22.1 ____ * Extensions/themes are now checked for updates **hourly** by default rather than once every 24 hours... - `extensions.update.interval` -> `3600` * Timestamps are now shown in the web console by default. - `devtools.webconsole.timestampMessages` -> `true` * DESKTOP: Google Safe Browsing is now proxied by default! :) It's using the servers we've set up for [IronFox](https://ironfoxoss.org) - which are hosted on Cloudflare *(on our bucket located in the EU's jurisdiction...)*. Hopefully these will be working on Android soon. * DESKTOP: Enabled Firefox's newer `Felt privacy` design for Private Browsing & Certificate Errors (`browser.privatebrowsing.felt-privacy-v1` & `security.certerrors.felt-privacy-v1` -> `true`) * DESKTOP: Moved Phoenix's preferences from `phoenix.cfg` to `phoenix.js`, meaning our prefs are now applied globally at a single location. * Heavily refined the overall build process, as well as did lots of minor tweaks, enhancements, clean-up, and re-organization. ___ Codeberg: See [here](https://codeberg.org/celenity/Phoenix/compare/2025.01.20.2...2025.01.22.1) for more details. GitLab: See [here](https://gitlab.com/celenity/Phoenix/-/compare/2025.01.20.2...2025.01.22.1) for more details. GitHub: See [here](https://github.com/celenityy/Phoenix/compare/2025.01.20.2...2025.01.22.1) for more details. ___ :)