2024.02.18.1 **Phoenix now officially supports Flatpaks! 🎉**. Simply install `phoenix-flatpak` rather than `phoenix` or `phoenix-arch` from your package manager. If you prefer, you can also just run the [installation script](https://phoenix.celenity.dev#install) - where Flatpaks have now also been added as an option after selecting your distribution. The only caveat is that your Firefox Flatpak **must** be installed on the **system** level. We unfortunately don't yet support **user** Flatpaks, but we're hoping to in the near future. Additionally, Phoenix for **macOS** has significantly improved - most notably: **you are now no longer required to give your Terminal the `App Management` permission to receive updates!**, resulting in a significant security improvement for your system. **NOTE:** To continue receiving updates, macOS users **must** run the migration script with the command below, depending on your location of Firefox: **System**: ```sh bash -c "$(wget -O- https://codeberg.org/celenity/Phoenix/raw/branch/pages/macos/migration/system.sh 2>/dev/null)" ``` **User**: ```sh bash -c "$(wget -O- https://codeberg.org/celenity/Phoenix/raw/branch/pages/macos/migration/user.sh 2>/dev/null)" ``` After running the migration script, macOS users must **also** run the new installation script: ```sh bash -c "$(wget -O- https://codeberg.org/celenity/Phoenix/raw/branch/pages/installer_scripts/macos_install.sh 2>/dev/null)" ``` Apologies for any inconvenience caused here... but I hope this major security improvement and step forward for Phoenix will make up for it. ;) ____ * Disabled [automatic updates for OpenSearch engines](https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/XML/Guides/OpenSearch#supporting_automatic_updates_for_opensearch_plugins) by default due to security & privacy concerns - `browser.search.update` -> `false` * Disabled timezone spoofing *(`-JSDateTimeUTC`)* for `chipotle.com` to fix order confirmation/estimated arrival times by default * **DESKTOP**: Specified `type` for preferences configured in policies to ensure that they are always set correctly... * **DESKTOP**: Specified specific add-on IDs in links for extensions installed from the AMO in our recommendations and policies - *(Credit to [Brace](https://codeberg.org/divested/brace/commit/a3122affe756a610c737071342f5ad550ea0acfc))* * **SPECIALIZED CONFIGS**: Disabled geolocation, narrator, and tab groups by default - `browser.tabs.groups.enabled`, `geo.provider.use_corelocation`, `geo.provider.use_geoclue`, & `narrate.enabled` -> `false`, `geo.provider.network.url` -> ` ` * Removed various *(mostly regional)* search engines with questionable privacy practices for ESR/Thunderbird *([Dove](https://dove.celenity.dev)* - https://codeberg.org/celenity/Phoenix/commit/fdb894425fc4ac5dcfd0fa284fe289ecd1980266 * Organized and cleaned up more preferences... * Other minor tweaks, fixes, & adjustments ___ Codeberg: See [here](https://codeberg.org/celenity/Phoenix/compare/2025.02.14.1...2024.02.18.1) for more details. GitLab: See [here](https://gitlab.com/celenity/Phoenix/-/compare/2025.02.14.1...2024.02.18.1) for more details. GitHub: See [here](https://github.com/celenityy/Phoenix/compare/2025.02.14.1...2024.02.18.1) for more details. ___ :)