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The major focus of this release has been boring, under the hood changes - with the goal to clean up Phoenix and remove unnecessary preferences/files/etc.

* **DESKTOP**: Our [configuration of uBlock Origin]( has been tweaked to **significantly** improve performance and efficiency. Specifically, we disabled ` HaGeZi's Threat Intelligence Feeds` by default in favor of ` HaGeZi's Threat Intelligence Feeds - Mini`, disabled `HaGeZi - Multi PRO++` by default in favor of `HaGeZi - Multi ULTIMATE - Mini`, and disabled `Dandelion Sprout's Annoyances List` by default. Additionally, the `HaGeZi - Fake`, `HaGeZi - Multi PRO mini`, `HaGeZi - Multi PRO++ mini`, and `HaGeZi - Pop-up Ads` lists have been added to the built-in selection of filterlists, but are **not** enabled by default. **Note that you may need to reset uBlock Origin by navigating to `Settings` -> `Reset to default settings...` to receive the updated configuration**. You can back up your current settings using the **`Back up to file...`** option, and restore your settings after the reset is complete with the **`Restore from file...`** option

* Firefox Sync has been configured to **not** sync any items by default, meaning nothing is synced without explicit user consent *(controlled via the checkboxes at `about:preferences#sync`)* - `services.sync.engine.addons`, `services.sync.engine.addresses`, `services.sync.engine.bookmarks`, `services.sync.engine.creditcards`, `services.sync.engine.history`, `services.sync.engine.passwords`, `services.sync.engine.prefs`, & `services.sync.engine.tabs` -> `false`

* If Web Assembly (WASM) is disabled *(`javascript.options.wasm`)*, WASM is now *also* disabled for extensions - `javascript.options.wasm_trustedprincipals` -> `false`

* Disabled adding downloads to `recent documents` by default - `` -> `false`

* **DESKTOP**: Disabled certain UI animations by default to improve Firefox's performance and responsiveness - `ui.panelAnimations` & `ui.swipeAnimationEnabled` -> `0`, `ui.prefersReducedMotion` -> `1`

* **DESKTOP**: Disabled [Windows Media Foundation]( for protected content *(DRM)*, but also enabled it for standard content - `` -> `3`

* Set `toolkit.telemetry.log.level`, `ui.hideCursorWhileTyping`, `ui.prefersReducedTransparency`, `ui.scrollToClick`, & `ui.useAccessibilityTheme` to their default values, so that they can be easily set in the `about:config`... - `toolkit.telemetry.loglevel` -> `Error`, `ui.prefersReducedTransparency` & `ui.useAccessibilityTheme` -> `0`, `ui.scrollToClick` -> `1`

* **YOUTUBE SPECIALIZED CONFIG**: Disabled [Trusted Types]( by default [due to issues with Picture-in-Picture]( - `` -> `false`

* Various other tweaks, fixes, enhancements, and adjustments.

Codeberg: See [here]( for more details.

GitLab: See [here]( for more details.

GitHub: See [here]( for more details.
