v0.5.3 • Demo: improve ImGui docker handling in the docking example • Docking: don't recreate the platform window when switching active ImGui window in the same dock • Docking: keep docker open if there are other windows sharing it when undocking a window by dragging • Documentation: mark p_* arguments as both read and write [p=2459747] • Documentation: use Consolas font to improve readability on Windows • Font: enable loading color data from fonts • Font: report font loading errors in the first function call of the frame • macOS: give focus to the platform window under mouse on right/middle click [p=2460594] • Save settings of active contexts when unloading the extension [p=2461792] API changes: • Remove WindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus (no-op since v0.5) [p=2462354]