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  • Kieran Richards's avatar
    Tidy up features section in README · 6cedb5ed
    Kieran Richards authored
    Removed unnecessary drivel about library quality because no one
    actually cares and also I don't care if they don't like my library >:(
    Removed unnecessary drivel about CTTI because lets be honest, people
    that need CTTI will not be coming here.
    Cleaned up section on optimised string storage.
    Tidy up features section in README
    Kieran Richards authored
    Removed unnecessary drivel about library quality because no one
    actually cares and also I don't care if they don't like my library >:(
    Removed unnecessary drivel about CTTI because lets be honest, people
    that need CTTI will not be coming here.
    Cleaned up section on optimised string storage.