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  • Buckley's avatar
    FEAT: component embedding is now possible · 257c92b3
    Buckley authored
    Embedded components allow users to leverage existing provider modules in
    order to customize specific pieces of the dependency tree. This is
    useful for keeping code DRY by not requiring providers to be copied
    whenever a new module is needed for different purposes.
    In order to embed a component, simply create a provider for an already
    generated component, then add a `// @component` comment above the
    provider much like one might do to specify that a provider should be a
    di assumes that you have access to the source for the embedded provider
    as it must inspect that source in order to function properly. An error
    will be returned if the source is not available or if it is not able to
    be parsed.
    FEAT: component embedding is now possible
    Buckley authored
    Embedded components allow users to leverage existing provider modules in
    order to customize specific pieces of the dependency tree. This is
    useful for keeping code DRY by not requiring providers to be copied
    whenever a new module is needed for different purposes.
    In order to embed a component, simply create a provider for an already
    generated component, then add a `// @component` comment above the
    provider much like one might do to specify that a provider should be a
    di assumes that you have access to the source for the embedded provider
    as it must inspect that source in order to function properly. An error
    will be returned if the source is not available or if it is not able to
    be parsed.
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