Hello, my name is David Dietrick and welcome to my Gitlab page! Feel free to take a look around and see what I've been working on.
Also be sure to check out my "dietrick" group where I keep a lot of my projects that share configurations.
Favorite Projects
Docs - Reference full of notes and tutorials from things that I am learning. Built using Vitepress and hosted on Gitlab Pages. Visit the live version at docs.dietrick.dev.
Personal Website - My personal portfolio website built using Vue. Visit the live version at dietrick.dev.
Phish.in Player - Media player for playing live shows by the band Phish using an API which serves audience-taped live shows. Built using React and using AWS Lambda and S3 as the backend. Visit the live version at phish.dietrick.dev.
Electronic Vehicle Management API - API written in Python using Flask to manage a fleet of electronic vehicles as well as an algorithm to determine the optimal path to take to charge all the vehicles.
Music Directory Parser - Rust application that parsers local music catalogs and saves metadata to a PostgresSQL database for use by music player applications.