David Schneider authored
* Add an (opt-in) crossprobe interface * Add extensible sexp parser * Clean up html/javascript a bit * Implement a theme system * Implement kicad_pro, kicad_sch, kicad_sym, kicad_wks handlers * Index and include all symbol properties in the mouseover box * Make the feedback URL based on a project property * Pull in js library dependencies with proper attribution * Pull out embedded SVGs for easier maintenance and attribution * Replace pypng with a simple png encoder * Support forward/backward mouse buttons * Use REUSE for license tracking * Reorganize directory structure
David Schneider authored* Add an (opt-in) crossprobe interface * Add extensible sexp parser * Clean up html/javascript a bit * Implement a theme system * Implement kicad_pro, kicad_sch, kicad_sym, kicad_wks handlers * Index and include all symbol properties in the mouseover box * Make the feedback URL based on a project property * Pull in js library dependencies with proper attribution * Pull out embedded SVGs for easier maintenance and attribution * Replace pypng with a simple png encoder * Support forward/backward mouse buttons * Use REUSE for license tracking * Reorganize directory structure
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