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  • Christoffer Reijer's avatar
    Make it possible to run export jobs · e32d0d98
    Christoffer Reijer authored
    In order to export documents, Doksi must be allowed to start and run
    containers. This requires us to mount some folder into Doksi, and
    also create a configuration file that configures it to use Podman.
    The test environment is switched to CentOS 8, and a secondary disk is
    mounted into the VM to ensure we don't fill the disk while testing.
    Make it possible to run export jobs
    Christoffer Reijer authored
    In order to export documents, Doksi must be allowed to start and run
    containers. This requires us to mount some folder into Doksi, and
    also create a configuration file that configures it to use Podman.
    The test environment is switched to CentOS 8, and a secondary disk is
    mounted into the VM to ensure we don't fill the disk while testing.
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