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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.2.13
    maxent eval table row names correction
    Improved the mean response curve plot of glm modelling.
    Keep one y axis title, make title in the center.
    2nd try
  • 1.2.12
    Improved the mean response curve plot of glm modelling.
    Keep one y axis title, make title in the center.
  • 1.2.11
    - Alternative approach to creating constrained climate layers (plus other minor improvements)
  • 1.2.11dev1
    Alternative approach to creating constrained climate layers (plus other minor improvements)
  • 1.2.10
    Entend "base layer" changes below to climate change experiments
  • 1.2.9
    ## Failed test fixes
    -   Ensure dashes (-) are substituted for underscores (\_) in predictor layers
        -   data.frame(x) converts '-' to '.' causing name mismatch errors
    ## Improvements
    -   Option for users to select a "base layer" for experiments which determines:
        -   The resolution for resampling spatial rasters;
        -   The CRS for reprojecting the raster stack, occurence/absence points and training/prediction constraints
    -   Additional handling allowing models to be trained under a different constrained region to which predictions are made.
  • 1.2.8
    ## Failed test fixes
    -Ensure all study area constraint longitudes are from -180 to 180 degrees
    -Fixes failed test 00041 all algorithms
    -Add implementation for Maxent bias layer
    -Fixes for failed test 00042 maxent
    ## Improvements
    -Alternative CRS for occurrences
    -Allow non-WGS84 coordinates for occurrences via EPSG codes
  • 1.2.7
    ## Failed test fixes
    - Ensure/force GeoTiffs within ensemble experiments have matching extents
      - Fixes failed test 00028 ensemble job
    - Removal of missing occurrence records
      - Fixes failed test 00031 maxent job
    - Climate change experiments using terra (as per SDMs)
      - Fixes failed test 00035 cc (maxent) job
      - Fixes failed test 00040 cc (bioclim) job
    - Added MaxEnt replicate capability to climate change experiments
      - Fixes failed test 00003 cc (maxent with replicates) job
      - Avoid unnecessary warnings
    ## Climate change experiment improvements
    - Corrected datatype in categorical change GeoTiff
    - Avoid empty trim when all cells less than threshold when calculating centre 
      gravity metric
    # ecocommons 1.2.6
    ## Large constraint fix
    - Re-implemented the filtering of occurrence points to within the area 
      constraint using terra in EC_SDM_geoconstrained.R
      - Deals with large global and complex constraint areas that were causing 
      - Better captures the occurrence points within the constraint area. A side 
        effect of this, is that some models sensitive to randomness (via seed) may 
        fail to rerun/calibrate successfully 
    ## Climate change experiment extent fix
    - Ensure/force GeoTiffs within climate change experiments have matching 
      extents with those from the original experiments
  • 1.2.6
    More constraint fixes
  • 1.2.5
    - Fix constraint issue with SDM
    - Fix extent issue with CC
  • 1.2.4-constraint-fixes
    1.2.4 ECR package as base image + constraint fixes
  • 1.2.4
    NOTE: pkg description is 1.2.3 but this matches the current build version for this ref.
    - vignettes in progress
    - add example data with inst/
    - adding more user friendly functions for local use, exp setup and repeat platform exp
    - adding parallel workflow for resampling etc in progress
    - preparing to add test cases for climatch
    - fixing bugs in CC
    - fix bug in CC with SRE not working because of predictors in different order to original model
    - enable clamping mask for biomod future projection
    - fix bug in reading current + future predictions to stack
    - adding some developer functions in zzz.R for debugging platform jobs quickly