v0.8-0 (2018-04-30) o drawdowns: new generic function with methods for zoo and numeric vectors o plot_trading_hours: improved support for daily series (interval becomes "1 day", etc.) o pl: new argument 'do.sum'; if TRUE, P/L across instruments is summed o pl: new argument 'pl.only'; if TRUE, return P/L as a numeric vector o btest: if a timestamp of class Date or POSIXct is specified, burnin 'b' may be an actual timestamp o rebalance: new new argument 'current.weights' with default FALSE; if TRUE, the current portfolio is assumed to be a vector of weights o returns: add method for as.data.frame for holding-period returns o the manual has been substantially revised. See http://enricoschumann.net/R/packages/PMwR/manual/PMwR.html