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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 0.5.0
    - `Federails::Actor`: Add `.distant` scope to select distant actors
    - `Federails::Request`: Add `.dereference` method to... dereference an object
    - New feature: Federated entities. This allows model configuration to ease the process of creating Fediverse entities
    from local content, and database entries from Fediverse content. When configured:
        - "Create" activities will be created on data creation
        - Incoming "Create" activities will be dispatched on supported models to create data locally
        - "Update" activities will be created on data update
        - Incoming "Update" activities will be dispatched on supported models to update (or create if missing) data locally
        - Ability to support the same Fediverse type with multiple models (note: only one model finally handles the object,
        check documentation for more)
    - Data transformer for Notes: `Federails::DataTransformer::Note`, to ease transforming local data to Fediverse Notes
    - Server: new "published" controller to render published `Federails::DataEntity` as federated object. This controller
    will answer to the `federated_url` generated for local content.
    - New helper module with methods to find local data from an ActivityPub object: `Federails::Utils::Object`:
        - `find_or_initialize(object_or_id)` returns nil when object is not found remotely
        - `find_or_initialize!(object_or_id)` raises an error when object is not found remotely
        - `find_or_create!(object_or_id)` raises an error when object is not found remotely
        - `timestamp_attributes(hash)` returns hash with `created_at`/`updated_at` attributes from the ActivityPub object
  • 0.4.0
    - Added `Federails.actor_entity(class_or_instance)` method which returns the configuration
    - Methods included in `Federails::Entity` are renamed with `federails` in them to avoid confusion and make projects with _actors_ able to use the gem
    - [**BREAKING**] Concern `Federails::Entity` has been renamed to `Federails::ActorEntity`
    - Internal method `Federails::Configuration.register_entity` has been renamed to `Federails::Configuration.register_actor_class`.
    - [**BREAKING**] Configuration key `Federails::Configuration.entity_types` has been renamed to `Federails::Configuration.actor_types`
  • 0.3.0
    - Base controller for client controllers can be specified to something different from `ActionController::Base` with the
      `base_client_controller` option
    - New generator: `federails:copy_client_views`, that copies all the client views in `app/views/federails/client` for override
    - Added `auto_create_actors` option for `acts_as_federails_actor` method to disable automatic actor creation.
    - Added helper method `Federails.actor_entity?` to check if a given class/instance may have associated actors
    - Dynamic dispatch of activities with `after_activity_received` (e.g.: `after_activity_received 'Create', 'Note', :create_note`)
    - Ability to add custom data to actor responses
    - Handle URI-only objects in dynamic dispatch
    - Client: reworked the views:
      - Extracted some sections in reusable partials
      - Improved listings with no entries
      - Improved conditional display for some sections
      - Handled the case where the current user does not have an associated actor
      - Handled the case where the current user's class is not configured with `acts_as_federails_actor`
    - As actors' subject is a polymorphic relation, these Federails configuration options were removed: `user_class`,
      `user_table`, `user_profile_url_method`, `user_name_field` and `user_username_field`
    - `acts_as_federails_actor` is not automatically called when `Federails::Entity` concern is included in models.
    - Client controllers: enforce authorization calls on controller actions
    - Server controllers: enforce authorization calls on controller actions
    - Mime types: Don't consider "application/json" as "application/ld+json"
  • 0.2.0
    Sign messages, handle signed messages and remote following
  • 0.1.0
    More of the initial work and various additions