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- `RuiDropdown`: Added `icon` prop to prepend an icon on the trigger
- `RuiDropdown`: Added `noCaption` prop. It will hide the caption and caret on the right, only displaying the icon. If
  the `caption` prop is provided, it will use it as `title` on the trigger. Does not work with the `caption` slot.
- `RuiDropdown`: Added `noTextOnSmall` prop to hide caption on small screens
- `RuiDropdown`: Close menu when clicking outside
- `RuiDropdown`: Close menu when clicking on entry



- `RuiBadge`: Prevent line breaks
- `RuiNavbarMenu`: Use a button as trigger for small views


- Make `pre` scroll horizontally if needed



- Updated dependencies with a major version change. No change to the code was required
  - Updated peer dependency `debounce` to v2.1.0
  - Updated peer dependency `floating-vue` to v5.2.2
- Updated other dependencies