Bash Scripting
Projects with this topic
Disposable DevOps toolbox centred on Bash, Python, Kubernetes, and Neovim with unified Solarized Dark theme and hundreds of tools, plugins, and aliases.
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Repository for script on installing the apps I use on different distros
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My reusable templates. I hate writing code twice
😝 Updated -
My own custom CLI with lots of commands that I frequently use
🙂 Updated -
ScriptScribe is a POSIX-compliant shell script library which enables logging for any shell script.
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An install script to automate setting up a Gentoo system
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A bash script that compiles and installs the latest V language source for Arch Linux as an alpm package.
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ScripTally is a POSIX-compliant shell library to keep a tally of steps started and completed in any script
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An Arch Linux bash install script for the V language server.
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Personal configurations for my favorite window managers and some applications.
⚡ Xmonad, Qtile, Spectrwm, i3-gaps, Alacritty, Kitty, Spotify and more!Updated