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  • Cinnamox-Heather-NT

    *** Disclaimer: This is NOT one of the official Cinnamox themes, but a fork that has been customized. ***

    Cinnamox-Heather-NT features a pale blue colour scheme and dark text.

    It is based on Cinnamox-Heather, but (as a nod to Windows NT styles) has a visible border (albeit with rounded corners). Also the title and titlebar buttons are etched and the buttons provide a different visual feedback.

    And although I'm not a fan of Dock Panels, as the experience is unfamiliar and jarring, I ran across a design in the Chillies and Pepper themes (@friedidli30) that makes the middle panel transparent, but leaves the familiar menu/window-list and system-tray in the bottom-left and bottom-right, respectively. I have implemented that here.
